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Petrochemical industry standard revision plan announced

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On August 6, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the 2010 industry standard revision plan for the industrial sector. Among them, the chemical industry will focus on the formulation of standards for industrial restructuring, optimization and upgrading, integration of information and industrialization, technological transformation, high-tech industrialization, product innovation and product quality, energy conservation and emission reduction, comprehensive utilization, and safe production.
It is understood that the standard revision plan includes 92 product standard items such as refined adipic acid and carbon monoxide high temperature shift catalyst in the petrochemical industry. The isobutylene ether resin catalyst standard, which was drafted by our company, was included in the product standard project plan.
The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that the principle of standard revision is to formulate new standards for new technologies, new products and new materials that have a major impact on the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure according to the current situation of industrial development and the needs of industrial development. At the same time, around industry management, product design, production, inspection, use, marketing and other activities and industry, social concerns, develop industry standards, ensure product quality, regulate market order, and protect consumer interests. Focus on standard projects that are conducive to promoting technological progress in the industry, guiding industrial restructuring and optimization, market access, and regulating market economic order.